An older couple looking at a laptop together

11 Steps To Take Immediately If Your Identity Has Been Stolen

Identity restoration can be a long and complicated process. Follow these steps to secure your identity, minimize damage, and recover stolen funds.

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June 13, 2024

A stack of Social Security cards

How To Know If Someone Is Using Your Social Security Number

Social Security number theft is incredibly hard to identify — until it’s too late. Learn the early warning signs indicating that your SSN has been compromised.

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June 10, 2024

Trending Articles

A U.S. passport on top of a large open map

Leaked Passport Number? Here’s What You Need To Know

If your passport number (or a scan of it) is leaked in a data breach, your identity and even your bank account could be at risk. Here’s how to stay safe.

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May 8, 2024

A pen resting above the section of a form asking you to fill in your date of birth

Can My Identity Be Stolen With My Name and Date of Birth?

While your name and date of birth aren’t the most sensitive pieces of your identity, they can still put you at risk — unless you follow these steps.

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April 30, 2024

Close up of a hand grabbing a wallet out of a man's back pocket

Stolen or Lost Wallet? 10 Steps That Will Keep You Safe

The contents of your wallet can open you up to financial fraud or even identity theft. Follow these steps as soon as you realize your wallet is missing.

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April 11, 2024

Is identity theft protection worth it? - lead image

Is Identity Theft Protection Worth It In 2024?

With online scams on the rise, it’s crucial to protect yourself against fraud. But is identity theft protection worth it? Let’s find out.

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April 4, 2024

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